Clare Vandeleur

Komponis | Composer

Clare Vandeleur


Clare Vandeleur is ‘n komponis en musiekant met ‘n portefeulje vol projekte wat strek vanaf advertensies na film. Die afgelope drie jaar het haar lys van projekte gegroei met die sterk basis wat sy ontvang het van AFDA Johannesburg, waar haar finale jaar film ‘n SAFTA toekenning ontvang het vir beste studente-kortfilm. Clare se krediete sluit in die kortfilm Commando, waarvan die regie behartig was deur Robin Goode, wat by vele internasionale film feeste gespeel het, insluitende die Rhode Island International Film Festival in 2016. Met ‘n leeftyd van Tjello ondervinding agter die rug het sy verskeie geleenthede aangegryp. Sy het deur Suid-Afrika getoer met die musikant Julian Redpath en Europa met die MIAGI Jeug Orkes. Clare se passie is om musiek te maak vir stories in enige vorm, terwyl eksperimentele musiek en die gebruik van verskillende genres die vlam laat brand in haar kuns.

Clare Vandeleur


Clare Vandeleur is a composer and musician with a portfolio of work that extends across advertising and film. She has grown her body of work over three years from the strong base received at AFDA Johannesburg, where her graduation film won a SAFTA for best student short. Clare’s credits include the short film Commando, directed by Robin Goode, which has screened at festivals including the Rhode Island International Film Festival 2016. Her experience extends to live performance, after a lifetime of playing the Cello (an instrument for which she has her Performers Diploma). This has seen her touring South Africa with ghost-folk musician Julian Redpath and Europe with the MIAGI Youth Orchestra. Clare’s passion is making music for a visual or a story in any form, while innovation and incorporating experimental music and different genres into her compositions keeps the fire of her craft burning brightly.