Hanneke Schutte

Skrywer en Regisseur | Writer and Director

Hanneke Schutte

Skrywer en Regisseur

Hanneke is ’n veelbekroonde Suid-Afrikaanse skrywer en regisseur. Sy het haar BA in Zoeloe en Sielkunde voltooi en het die volgende ses jaar in die advertensiewese gewerk voor sy met ’n loopbaan as ’n filmmaker begin het. Haar eerste kort film, Superhero, het by die Durban Internasionale Filmfees gedebuteer en het twee Saftas gewen vir Beste Kort Film en Beste Kinematografie. Die film is genooi om by verskillende internasionale filmfeeste te wys. In 2010, was sy een van drie Suid-Afrikaanse filmmakers wat na die Berlin Filmfees se Talent Campus in Duitsland genooi is waar haar kort film se draaiboek, City Swallows, ’n semi-finalis in die Berlin Today Kort Film Kompetisie was.

Sy was die Suid-Afrikaanse wenner in 2013 van die gesogte Jameson First Shot Kompetisie waar sy die geleentheid gekry het om na Los Angeles toe te gaan om die regie te behartig van haar kort film, Saving Norman, met William Dafoe in die hoofrol. Die film is vervaardig deur Dana Brunetti (The Social Network, House of Cards, Fifty Shades of Grey) en Kevin Spacey. In 2014, was haar debuut speelfilm, Jimmy in Pink, die wenner van die UK Film Council en NFVF se draaiboek-kompetisie en het dit ook die toekenning vir Beste Speelfilm by die Beloit Internasionale Filmfees in die VSA gewen.

Meerkat Maantuig, haar tweede speelfilm, het sy Noord-Amerikaanse premiere by die Austin Filmfees in Texas gehad.

Hanneke Schutte

Writer and Director

Hanneke is a multi-award winning South African writer and director. She completed a BA in Zulu and Psychology and spent six years in advertising before embarking on a career as a filmmaker. Her first short film Superhero debuted at the Durban International Film Festival and won two SAFTAs (South African Film and Television awards) for Best Short Film and Best Cinematography. The film was invited to screen at various international film festivals.

In 2010, she was one of three South African filmmakers invited to the Berlin Film Festival’s Talent Campus in Germany where her short film screenplay City Swallows was a semi-finalist in the Berlin Today Short Film Competition. She was the South African winner in 2013 of the prestigious Jameson First Shot Competition where she got the opportunity to go to Los Angeles to direct Willem Dafoe in her short film Saving Norman. The film was produced by Dana Brunetti (Social Network, House of Cards, Fifty Shades of Grey) and Kevin Spacey.

In 2014, her debut feature film, Jimmy in Pink, which was the winner of the UK Film Council and NFVF Script competition, also won the Best Feature Film Award at the Beloit International Film Festival in the USA. Meerkat Maantuig (Meerkat Moonship), her second feature film, had its North American Premiere at the Austin Film Festival in Texas.