Themba Ntuli
Themba Ntuli
Bhubesi is braaf en vol lewenslus. Hy probeer vir Gideonette uit haar gemaksone lok en die twee raak gou boesemvriende.
Thebalethu Brian Mncube is ‘n 27-jarige aspirante filmmaker, akteur, skrywer, regisseur en konsep/storie ontwikkelaar. Hy wou nog altyd deel wees van die filmbedryf. Sy liefde vir film het ontstaan toe hy op ‘n jong ouderdom sy gunsteling akteurs op tv begin na-aap het. Hy het ‘n hittige ster wat binne sy siel brand wat net wag om losgelaat te word. “Dinamiet kom in klein pakkies”.
Themba Ntuli
Bhubesi is brave and full of life. He tries to provoke Gideonette out of her ccomfort zoneand the two become best friends.
Thembalethu Brian Mncube is a 27-year aspirant filmmaker, actor, writer, director and concept / story developer. He always wanted to be in the film industry. His love for film started when he began impersonating many of his favourite actors on television and that was when as the saying goes “He was bitten by the Showbiz Bug”. He has a fiery star that shines within his soul just waiting to be unleashed into the world. “Dynamite comes in small Packages”.